Tuesday, July 28, 2015

5 Secret Sales Skills Every Sales Pro Needs

5 Secret Sales Skills Every Sales Pro Needs

I know your boss thinks you are Superman or Wonder Woman sometime, right? Hey, it comes with the territory. But, in all honesty there are some secret sales skills—some almost superhuman powers each sales pro must posses.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

So You Got Your First Sales Job

Your First Sales Job
Your First Sales Job
So, you got your first sales job! Congratulations and welcome to the greatest profession on the planet. You are joining a long list of some of the most influential people in the world of business—all who started out in sales.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

How To Answer, “Your Price Is Too High”

ORIGINAL SOURCE -Your Price is Too High!-If you’ve been in sales longer than half-an-hour you’ve probably heard this from a prospective customer when you asked for the order.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Warming Up Your Winter Sales

For most of North America this has been one very cold winter. The so-called Polar Vortex has left much of the country freezing or frozen; roads impassable, businesses closed and left most of  us longing for spring.

                       Warming Up Your Winter Sales

Even though I live in the south, I travel and have felt the knife-like cut of that north wind and it’s not fun. So, how do we handle that in sales? How do we continue to get out and make calls, service our customers and grow our business?

Flexing Your Sales Muscle

In order to stay at the top of your sales game, you must always be working your sales muscles. They are certainly in the category of “move ‘em or lose ‘em”—it’s not like riding a bicycle.

                       Flexing Your Sales Muscle

To be great at prospecting, you must prospect. To lead your team or your industry in referrals, you must ask for referrals. If you’re going to improve at asking for the sale, you have to ask for it. Your sales “muscles” can atrophy from non-use.

Three Ways Stand Up Comedy Made Me A Better Salesperson

For a little more than 10 years I traveled the country as a professional stand-up comic back in the early 90’s. As hard as it may seem to believe, I got fairly good at it and accomplished a lot. I saw it all, too. From headlining sold out shows in 500 seat comedy clubs to doing a one-nighter in a small, Texas town where they misspelled comedy (comdy) on the flashing arrow sign out front.

Three Ways Stand Up Comedy Made Me A Better Salesperson

Those years of experience served me well as a salesperson. I’ve said before, it was the best sales training I ever got.
Here are three keys I learned and hopefully they’ll trigger you to delve deeper and sharpen your skills.
The single biggest fear in this world is speaking in public or making a presentation. I firmly believe that stems from a lack of confidence in one’s material. Nobody wants to look like they don’t know what they’re talking about. The better I got, the more confident I got. While I never had stage fright, as my confidence in my material grew anxiety became anxiousness. I wanted the stage. I wanted to be in that spotlight.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

What Social Selling Is NOT!

One of the biggest buzz words/phrases to hit professional sales in years is social selling. While many believe they know what it means, I find many to be a bit confused.Instead of defining what social selling is, why don’t we take a moment and see what is is not:

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Why Your Business Will Fail

I've got some news for you and this may or may not come as a surprise, but your business will fail not because you’re not good at what you do. More than likely the reason why your business will fail is because you’re not good at sales and marketing.